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Clifton Hampden, Abingdon, OX14 3EE

01865 407 700

office.3183@clifton-hampden.oxon.sch.uk Email Us

Clifton Hampden

Relationships and Sex Education


At Clifton Hampden CE Primary School, we believe that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is an integral part of a child’s
education. RSE is about understanding the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships and
respect for others, love and care.


By means of Relationships and Sex Education we aim to teach pupils about:

a) the physical development of their bodies as they grow to adulthood
b) respect for the views of others
c) respect for their own and others’ bodies
d) the importance of family life
e) relationship issues.

RSE is taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE education) curriculum.
Biological aspects are taught within the science curriculum, and other aspects are included in religious education (RE).

Across all Key Stages, pupils will be supported with developing the following skills:

  • communication, including how to manage changing relationships and emotions
  • recognising and assessing potential risks
  • assertiveness
  • seeking help and support when required
  • informed decision making
  • self-respect and empathy for others
  • recognising and maximising a healthy lifestyle
  • managing conflict
  • discussion and group work.

RSE discussions are conducted in a sensitive, confidential manner. However, if a pupil discloses something that is cause for concern, the teacher/staff concerned will deal with the matter in line with the safeguarding policies of the school.

Clifton Hampden, Abingdon, OX14 3EE

01865 407 700
